Monday, April 12, 2010

Award Swami confirms that he did not date 56-year-old Winfrey in Nashville, Tenn. or anywhere else.

Award Swami confirms that he did not date 56-year-old Winfrey in Nashville, Tenn. or anywhere else.

The former Television Producer/The "know-it-all" Award "Swami"..LOL; says he and the 56-year old Winfrey did not date. I hereby proclaim that "I, The Award Swami and Oprah did not date in Nashville, Tenn. or anywhere else. Actually, I have never met her.....LOL".

Award Swami does enjoy her shows and admire her success in the industry. He Continues to listen in on the shout out's and tweets about the cable channel/new shows. Her films and books continue to garner interest as well.
"Oprah: A Biography," written by Kitty Kelley, hits stores Tuesday. Kelley has written unauthorized biographies on celebrities, including Jackie Kennedy, Frank Sinatra and Nancy Reagan.

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